Monday, October 27, 2008

this is why weekends are important...

because i don't think about work. I think about my personal life and how to make it better and more fulfilling.

Friday night: Vintner's Wine Cellar and the Eatery. Good times. I had my first half glass of white wine in about 4 years. It was pleasant. I watched Abby get accosted by a half-drunk cowboy who only wanted to twirl her around on the dance floor. She stood her ground though and no meant no. Got the giggles from a chainsaw-wielding masked man who came out of the haunted house near where we parked. He was trying to scare us, and he did succeed as someone in the car got freaked, but to me, its just priceless to look over at someone wearing a white hockey mask revving his chainsaw. I channeled Sarah and thought "seriously dude? really?"

Saturday: babysat. FUN TIMES! I love the kids that i babysit for...I will not name names to protect the innocent, but they are so much fun and I love being crazy with them. I think the thing that I love the most is that I'm just myself with them, i don't talk to them like they're kids, I talk grownup-ese with them, and as a result, I'm sure their cognitive and reasoning skills have gone up dramatically since I've started watching them. Well, actually, probably not, since they are pretty dang smart kids. However, I love it when I tell them something, and they see my logic, or find the humor in my sarcastic statement. They kinda make me think that maybe i do want kids. (well, them, along with judah and zoe who are just too cute for words...if i could have kids as well behaved as all of them, i might give it a go...)

Went on a walk with Juliette. Good times, although i dressed like it was going to be a fall-walk, and it was very much a late summer walk, which made my makeup melt off my face. boo. What is with global warming? Where does a girl have to move for a little taste of the 4 seasons? And, I'm not talking the restaurant. We are in prime-time fall here, and i feel like I'm missing out. boo x 2.

Stirrings message this week was the drunk elephant in the church. Ironic because on Friday I got the following little pressie from a client of mine.

Yes, that is a baby flask located right on top of the biggest bottle of petron I've ever owned. Shh...its a secret...I don't think I've ever really drank petron. I have no recollection of how its supposed to taste and I don't know if I will like it. Nevertheless, the baby flask with Big Sky Country emblazoned on it is definitely one of my most favorite little presents I've ever gotten. Its just so dang cute.

So, the drunk elephant in the church. Do I really think we have a drunk elephant? You bet your sweet ass I do. Do I love the points that Nate made yesterday, absolutely. For me, I love a good cocktail, a mojito, a margarita, a gimlet, an egg creme (actually, the last two are on my list of things to try before the year is out). But, I learned long ago that drinking is best done within the comfort of close friends. I don't drink to get drunk, but i love a good giggle. Ultimately, i think as long as I am not walking on this alcohol crutch, I'm in good shape. Good times...good words.

Here's a question though, are we going to cover the caffeinated elephant in the church? This morning i feel like a drugged up girl who dips her hand in coffee, rubs it onto the front of my gums and under my tongue so that i can get that caffeine sooner rather than later.

and, final tally: to tell or not to tell: to tell: 4.5, not to tell: 0. I've got some telling to do.


Sarah said...

you make me laugh shelby schwitters....I love your blogs, yes indeed....see you tomorrow?..cuz I will be there....I evil as it is to wake up so dang early now..I promise.
ps. I agree about the caffeinated elephant...but being that we squeeze money out of people in the back corner for just that thing...we might have to close up shop.

Ryan & Carly said...

Well I have to say that I have no sympathy for your fall woes. It has been snowing since the beginning of October and was a whopping 5 degrees yesterday so I will trade you any day! Anyway, I found you! We had a teacher from Ryan's work over the other night and she reminds me so much of you, so you have been on my mind, you alchy you. :) Miss you!