Thursday, October 9, 2008

i made a budget, i made a budget, i made a budget, hey hey hey hey!

So, folks, you are looking at the most responsible 27 year old out there.

well...maybe not! but I'm getting more responsible. Last night, i went through and spent a good 2 1/2 hours on setting up my own personal budget. Some highlights from the evening:
  1. I realized that i am more responsible than i initially thought i was. I actually have been working off a skeleton budget for 6 months, just not being diligent to note where every penny is going.
  2. I started putting aside money for entertainment (which before i just spent off-the-cuff) and clothes (which, if I'm honest, I don't spend NEARLY enough on...just wear my stuff until it wears out). I'm so excited to have money set aside for'll help me be diligent to actually buy clothes. AMAZING!
  3. I started putting money aside for that devil of a surprise bill: the car registration. Oh, when that day comes, I'll yell "boo-yah" at the DMV because I'll already have a good chunk saved towards the volv registration.
  4. I swatted Clown Baby for getting all up in my budget business. (Trust me, that was a highlight for me.)
  5. I realized that in FPU language, I really am a nerd. Surprising, but true. Actually, all the ex-boyfriends out there would probably agree with the news that i'm a nerd. But, I love it. Being a nerd is so fulfilling to me because i feel like i have a handle on things. I know where my money is going, and if its not in the budget, tough crap. Wait until next month. Boo-yah x 2.
  6. I realized I don't have to live with the lie that i need to wait until i get married to get my finances under control. I can be a financially stable single girl with no relationship in sight and not have to be the damsel in distress financially. Boo-yah potential suitors. Take that!
  7. I started seeing what life will be like without debt. Its gonna be AMAZING! And you know, I'm going to enjoy the process of getting there. I could be super bitter, but I got myself into this mess (while enjoying the ride), so I'm going to take the tough route out of this mess and I'm going to enjoy myself here as well. Life's too short to not find the good in my situations and enjoy myself along the way. Bring on the good times!

So, what I'm really saying is: I'm going to start a Financial Peace University rival: its going to be Money Relaxation College (found at and I'm going to do budgets for everyone (I charge $300/hour). Yes, its a hefty price but I justify it two ways. A: you need a budget. B: I need money. So if A and B are true then that leads to the conclusion that C you need to pay me to do your budget so i can pay my stuff down.

Any takers? (don't actually click the was just a joke!)


Juliette said...

Ha ha - I clicked on the link! Even thought, this can't possibly be real when I did it. So funny.

As I read this I thought - how many times can she possibly say boo-yah? A lot, that's how many.

I will agree with all the ex-boyfriends, you are a nerd. But when you are debt free and able to buy more clothes and saving for retirement who really cares whether you are a nerd?

Anna said...

That's awesome! I almost clicked on the link but then I thought to myself, "no way, it can't be real!" It's a good idea though... how do you think Dave Ramsey got so rich??? Yeah, maybe you should make the website after all, huh?