Wednesday, October 15, 2008

so, i'm looking for stuff to sell

its important to sell the stuff you own when you are trying to build up your savings. or so Dave Ramsey says. if you are my friend, come buy my stuff. or, if you have stuff to sell, send it to me, and then i can sell it and take all the proceeds and put it in my savings.

In other news today, I've never been SO EXCITED to be over with a day of work. Please, please, who out there wants to be my executive administrative assistant? I'll pay you well (in love and admiration) and you'll always get off on Fridays at 3pm. And, I'm a pretty good boss. I love to draw pictures of you while you work (they are pretty sweet...stick figures and such). I'll probably make fun of you a little bit once we get to know each other. And, in the end, I'll ask you to do all the stuff that I hate doing.

Sound good?

Great...the job is currently hiring (not really, don't ask me if I'm being serious, cause I'm not) and I'm looking to get someone in place by noon tomorrow. So, if your schedule is free, come on in. (Don't really come in, or else you will automatically be disqualified from the job due to inability to detect sarcasm in the written word.)

I actually have a really good idea for tonight...margarita's and the corn maze in Anderson. Who's down?

1 comment:

Juliette said...

When we came to that part of Financial peace we were stumped- we don't have clutter in our house so there is nothing to sell. We give away things we don't need anymore to people we know can use it - seems more Christlike doesn't it? We have yet to post anything on Craigslist - oh well.