Monday, December 15, 2008

this is a first in my life...

$1000 in the bank in my good, old-fashioned savings account. BOO-YAH! Baby Step #1: COMPLETE.

I can understand why Dave Ramsey would've said that this needed to be completed within the first month of Financial Peace does feel like an incredible accomplishment and encourages me to keep going. (Although, here we are and tomorrow is our last class, so apparently, i don't fall quite in line with Dave's timeline...but nonetheless, i've still done it.)

Now, Baby Step #2: debt snowball. I guestimated that by the time that I am done with my debt snowball, it'll be August 2010. I don't know if this is an accurate guess, but i'm hopefull it'll be a bit under 2 years before I'm totally debt free (including student loans).

In fact, i did make a huge payment to a credit card today, and hopefully, over the next 15 days, i'll scrimp and save and find the additional $60 to pay it off completely. With gazelle intensity, i will be a good steward of my money.

This feeling is so wonderful. Not living paycheck to paycheck...having financial margin. I'm much more of a planner now. I've seen this work in my life, so anytime that i find extra money, you'll find me sitting for hours at a time on my couch, figuring out on my trusty calculator where that money will go and what it will pay off.

Ah, delicious financial peace. Thank you Jesus.

(now, i just need to save for some dental work because if i don't Danielle won't be my friend anymore.) I don't want to pay for it though. Its not in the budget.

ok, ok...i'll work it into the budget.


Anna said...

Congrats Shelby! We hit our $1000 two weeks ago and it was such a great feeling! I think Dave is crazy, what normal person CAN get $1000 in one month, just because he's walking around w/a wad of $100's doesn't mean we are! After all isn't that why we are in FPU??? :)

Meghan said...

i think you'll pay the debt off faster than 2 years. it feels so good to get those credit cards paid off! thanks to FPU, we paid off around $9000 in a couple of months because for some reason we kept getting money we weren't expecting from random places. God totally blesses when you honor him with your finances! i'm so happy for you!

Juliette said...

Can I steal the new Shelby phrase? Gazelle intensity? I love it...
We'll be debt free around the same time so lets have a big party when we both get there :) We can put it on credit :)