Wednesday, December 17, 2008

goodbye jcrew..i won't miss you

in happy news yesterday, i made the last payment of my life towards jcrew. it was wonderful. I'm waiting until the money comes out of my account, and then i'm calling to close that sucker down. do you think they will miss me? I'm sure they will. I sure as hell won't miss them. (how's that for gazelle intensity?)

now my winter white pea coat and my black little coat that i wear every other day really do belong to me. what if my jcrew card went to collections? would they come and demand my coats back? and could i guilt them into letting me keep my coats by telling the repo men that if they took them i would be cold? probably not... but i laugh at myself that i imagine such a scenario.

i think its really interesting how i always remember what i purchased with credit. its almost like i can't shake the shame of putting things on credit, so i always remember that certain things are not paid off. its funny how my mind works. I can remember things like that, but i can't remember when to arrive at my babysitting houses. I get there an hour earlier than i should. But, at least i know what i used my discover card for.

this is a huge boo-yah to my debt snowball. 1 down, 8 more debts to go.

and, i officially graduated from financial peace university. the only thing better than the ceremony last night would've been if dave ramsey personally had given me my certificate while "pomp and circumstance" boomed in the background. (And then he gave me a thousand dollar bill because he was so proud of me...there i go again with my vivid imagination.)

in other, completely unrelated news, one of my wholesalers tried to sweet-talk my boss into taking me to philly this year for a national sales conference. who knows if i will make the trek to the east coast, but it definately would be an interesting time. looking back, the thing that i liked best about going to philly last year was the flights there and back. I'm a sucker for travel...not always the destination, but give me a good lukewarm piece of cardboard disguised as an in-flight meal and i'm a happy camper.

things are looking up.


Sarah said...

so proud of you!...
and in other news..flying sucks...speacking of..I leave for NY on Fri morning..can you handle it without me until January:)

merry christmas!

Juliette said...

That was hilarious! and so proud of you making headway on the debt snowball - you little graduate of financial peace you! Is it strange that out of that whole blog the thing that kept going through my head was "she has a winter white pea coat from Jcrew? I want one!" Truly I do - or from Banana Republic - whatever. Maybe someday :)