Tuesday, December 2, 2008

i got "pay-it-forward"ed today

so...this day has been amazing. as much as i write blogs about what i'm currently doing, i really try to stay away from blogs like "8:05am: picked up pencil at work and it broke!, 10:10, realized that i left my window down and its been raining for 30 minutes already. 11:12am: got hungry. ate." i mean, i guess we all have stuff we need to throw out to the enourmous online world...i just figure that no one really should need to read about my minute-by-minute life.

however...today is different. today, the mundane things have come alive for me, and so, i welcome you to my blog regarding my day so far. its been lovely.

I woke up on time at 5:33am. What a blessing to experience something different than normal. I usually always am running late to work. (Actually, I don't run late anywhere else...but work! yikes!) I got ready, grabbed my purse, and opened up my door to go to small group.

HELLO FOG! Hello winter! I've missed you! Will you please stay? (The weather made me really happy...)

Another happy thing today: small group. Can we please talk about the Cascade Christmas just a little more?

We got out of Breakfast Club a little early, and since i'd only had 2 cups of coffee this morning to that point, i decide a fitting stop before i go to work would be Starbucks. Since E Cypress is NOTORIOUS about having the hottest baristas (I swoon every time i go there), i decided to swing by and pick up the favorite of all winter drinks: the pumpkin spice latte. (I gotta admit: while i was driving, i also did my fair share of admiring my hair and makeup in the mirror as i drove...had to make sure i was looking cute for the baristas at the Bucks...)

So, when i get there, I jump in line...ready to order my drink and as i finish saying "hey, i'll have a grande, extra-hot pumpkin spice latte" the man behind me says "I've got that. I'm trying something new and am paying it forward. Someone did it to me." So, first inclination is to say, "are you sure?" but i realize that when people make the offer, its something they want to do, and to refuse would be impolite. And then, as i'm basking in the thankfulness glow of getting something undeserved, I'm grateful for paying it foward and for this grandpa who just made my day by offering to grab my Starbs tab. Who does that?

"merry christmas" is exchanged between us as we grab out drinks that came out right after each other, and i leave and he leaves.

what the heck?

as i drive to work, i think about all the times that i've had opportunities to act out (in a good way) and pay it foward, and all the times i thought better of it and didn't do anything. how selfish.

Work...work...work...manage...manage...manage. And that brings me to now! (and i actually am eating. yum.)

All this to say, I'm grateful for mr. man who bought my starbucks today, and i look forward to the next time that i can swing through the starbucks and buy the drink for the person in back of me.

that will be a great day for them. and good...because i've paid it forward.


Anna said...

That's awesome! I think we all need to do that a little more often, don't you think it would make the world such a better place? :)

hannahrae said...

so great...

so i just started to write out how we all need to do that a little more often but then looked to my left and saw that anna had written the same exact thing.

so...i second what anna said!

love you friend.