Tuesday, February 17, 2009

what happens in reno stays in reno

As a few days ago (13th to be exact) marked the 2 month mark to countdown to my birthday, its natural (isn't it?) to get into planning mode and start figuring out what should be done.

So, as roommate and I were sitting, watching Jason make the biggest mistake of his Bachelor career (more to come on that later), she proposed Reno! WHAT?!?! I didn't even know that was an option. As it turns out, oh, yes, Reno is an option. Staying at her aunts house for free...going out to dinner...ice skating (which i've never been a big fan of, mostly just for the fact that i'll probably break both ankles and get some gnarly bruises, but what the heck? you don't turn 20-something twice!)

So...in an homage to Arrested Development, i want to go to Reno to see the blue man group, and all the fun things that Reno has to offer. And, by my blog title, in no way am i implying that anything untoward will happen there that would need to then stay there. Its just a witty little comment that means absolutely nothing...which, i would hope, dear reader, you have now come to expect from my blog.

Other things from this weekend: I will go in chronological order.

Prior to going out and getting margaritas to "celebrate" Valentine's Day, i burned my hand in a gory way on my flat iron. Welcome to one of the perks of being a girl: third degree burns in the shape of little small rectangles. It hurt like the dickens and now is small, flat and devoid of any sort of fingerprint becuase its been burned away. If i wanted to go commit a bank robbery with one hand (my right hand index finger), i'd totally get away with it. Bingo!

Sunday: aka "please God, just let me die" day. Welcome flu. Please, come in, stay a while. I got up that day, somewhat ready to make the trek up to Mercy, and did end up going up there, after stopping by Target, Manhattan and Starbucks with Niki. However, when we got up there, i knew i needed to go home. I wasn't throwing up yet. YET being the opperative word here. I drove homeand proceeded to lay on my red couch for hours and hours and hours, while the chills would wash over me, and then i would get so hot i couldn't hardly stand it. And then i would get a text, which would mean i would have to lift my arm (which was so heavy...why was my arm heavy?) and answer the text while my fingers were freezing cold outside of my blanket. Crackers, water, crackers, sprite (thanks Abby!), crackers, vomit, mouth wash, crackers, water, crackers, sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep. Wake up! Welcome roommate home, she goes to bed, and then i go back to bed, for what must've been my 18th hour of sleep in a 24 hour time period.

Monday: still queasy, but feeling better, i brave new worlds: solid foods! Oh, man, by 6pm yesterday i was RAVENOUS. Like Edward with Bella that first day. Except, i endulged. I went buck nutty on any and all protein in the house. It was delicious. I got my strength back, just in time to watch the Bachelor and the City and then go to bed.

Here's my problem with the Bachelor: Jason is just like any other, non-Christian guy out there. We have all put him on this pedestal becuase of what happened to him with his ex-wife (they got divorced. so has half of america), and then with deanna (she broke up with him. that's also happened to half of america.). So, now, here is this "amazing" guy, who really just wants to get these girls to say to him that they are falling in love with him, so that he can invite them to spend the night with him in this fantasy suite and get it on, and only, to then kick off the one that he should've picked in the end. I was a die hard Jillian fan (and hey, buddy, what is with all the damn nicknames???). I think she should be the next Bachelorette (which is flawed in that it reverses traditional male/female roles, in my opinion). But, because of last night, i could give a flying crap what happens next. he can pick emotionally stunted Molly or "say the right thing" Melissa and i truly would not care. Will i still watch it, um, yeah. Will i still comment on it like they are my friends and i'm fully invested in their lives. Probably. Does that give me some sort of idea as to why i'm still single? Yep. I have made best friends with people on tv. I'm totally ready for a relationship.

And, while we are on the subject of guys like Jason, i gotta be honest: (RANT ALERT!!!) i've encountered a fair amount of guys in these past few months who are just like Jason. And some tell me to my face that all guys are just like that. That sex is a natural part of a dating relationship, and that I'm borderline retarded to desire something different, something more. Yes, i fully understand that the world that i live in of celibacy and purity before marriage is not the way the world does it, but that doesn't mean its retarded. Nor is it foolish. I think this is a perfect example to me that, as Christians, we are called to live by a higher standard. Ugh, if i hear one more person insinuate that I'm retarded for wanting something more out of a dating relationship than sex, I'm going to scream and rip their head off.

Ok...i'm lowering my blood pressure. Deep breathing. Sorry, it just gets me all worked up!

Coldplay: July 10th: Portland. July 11th: the Gorge (first saw Dave there and i'm pretty sure got high second-hand from sitting on the grassy knolls). July 13th: shoreline ampitheater in San Fran. Who is up for it? I gotta see them...if i don't, i'm going to die. Just die.

And, i've decided: 2009 is the year when i'm going to start living. I've had enough of this working crap. I mean, yeah, its totally important, and i love my job, but my goal is not to work so that i can make other people rich. My goal: work so that i can really live. So...who wants to start living? Let's do this!


Sarah said...

many things..first you totally ruined the bachelor!..I missed it on Monday and now I know what happens..it's alright I still want to watch..did you tivo it?
2nd..um hell ya Reno..sign me up.
3rd...what? you're crazy! you want something more out of relationships???..haha..loved the rant
4th..feeling better?..I totally slept til 11 today..um yeah bfc wasn't even on the radar..

Heather said...

Shelby, I'm so sorry that you're sick. But seriously, I am laughing so hard right now. I am in 100% agreement with everything you had to say about the Bachelor! I was enraged Monday! What was he thinking?! And you are NOT the only one who feels she has relationships with people on TV. I had a deep connection with Jillian. I feel we are a lot alike. And I was totally there for her, counseling her, as she lay in the back seat crying... poor girl. And later I threw something at Jason, hoping to poke him in his eyeball, only to knock over a speaker by the TV. Oh Shelby... I just wish I had her number, we could invite her over for dinner or something. ;)

Fleck, the Mrs. said...

I'm in on Coldplay! Maybe we can take Derrick for a b-day surprise. Unless, that would ruin your trip.

P.S. I love your blogs. But I still don't think you've quite broke into the blog world yet since you don't have any anonymous blog haters following your blog. Then you know you've made it. Ha Ha!!