Monday, February 23, 2009

do you ever just get so tired?

Right now, i am absolutely beat.

Like, the next person that i talk to is going to get less than 100% of me. I hate that. I always, ALWAYS give 100%. (Someone told me once that its impossible to give 110% of can't give more than you have to everytime people say they want 110%, i get argumentative in my brain...sometimes it comes out. Sometimes it doesn't. Right now, for arguments sake, i'm not going to go there because i don't want the online world to think that i'm always harping on something...really, in real life, i'm a nice person. Quirky...with lots of opinions, but nice in general.)

Back to the issue at hand. I always, ALWAYS give the most that i can. Try to do everything that is physically within my power to get the job done on time and in the best way possible.

Not right now...i'm just so tired. Not physically, although that is part of it. Mentally, i'm fried. Going from one thing to the next ALL THE TIME makes me want to cry. To always have something that didn't get done, or something that could've been done, or should've been done.

Its exhausting. Is this the way it always is going to be? When does this stop? When i get married? When i have kids? A sinking suspicion, and lots of testimonials from my friends tell me that it never stops. I know life has its ups and downs, and sometimes more downs than ups, and by no means am i equating my tired life right now to someone with real issues that they are experiencing. On the "life" scale, my issues are totally minor. I just is this life thing supposed to work?

Beyond actually pressing through and getting all of my stuff done (which, i've decided, is my only course of action), the only thing that will make me feel better is watching 23 women eviscerate Jason on the Bachelor: The Women Tell All tonight. That damn guy needs a good reaming. And, while i watch that, i'm probably going to force my roommate to drink mojitos with me. I drank mojitos on Saturday night while watching Indiana Jones: Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, and i didn't really follow ANY of what was happening. (is it just me or was that movie INSANELY confusing? or was it the mojitos?) Either way it was the best Saturday night i've had in a long time. And, tonight will probably be the best Monday night i've had in a long time. the common thread there is mojitos.

Maybe i'll put mojito in my coffee...water bottle...cereal and everything else that needs some sort of liquid added. THAT will make me less tired. Problem solved.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I love your blogs shelby..espeicially when you haven't eaten.:)
I think you might have to much faith in mojitos though...although totally understandable:)

ps.I better see you tomorrow's no laughing's been too long my old friend