Wednesday, February 4, 2009

from my childhood...

do you ever have things that you remember watching from your childhood. like pbs specials?

I have two that i keep on remembering and from time to time will ask random people, "Hey, do you remember this?"

Listen to either of these, and tell me if you remember them.

The Snowman...its an animated special with a snowman who kidnaps (in a nice way) this little boy and takes him to this gathering of a bunch of different snowpeople during the night when he should be sleeping. They dance and generally make mirth and merriment until its nearly dawn, at which point, they fly home, and the next day the snowman melts. Its chock full of haunting ballads that sound like they are from the Moors of England.

I think Hannah remembered that one when i asked her once about it. Or, she had one of hte songs on a CD, and i was instantly brought back to my childhood.

The other story was also a animated was almost like a book that had been animated (like you would see on Reading Rainbow). This one was about a family who lived in a city in an apartment, who had a big brother, and they had just had a baby. It follows the baby from when its newly born to when it gets to be toddler age and the child (whose name was Bunny) is found to have a severe hearing impairment because she plays while Mommy and Daddy talk to her, and she never responds.

Its not a funny story. I don't remember why it made such a huge impact on me, but i remember loving it and being so saddened by it all at once.

No one that i've ever talked to remembers deaf Bunny. Maybe i made it all up. Until i find someone who remembers it, i'm going to hold firmly to the knowledge that its not just some made-up story that i created in my mind. Its real. I believe it.


Juliette said...

Um, no. I haven't seen/heard of those. But I was going to try to help you out by googling them - don't google "deaf bunny" the results aren't pg.
Its crazy how some of those things stick with us. I totally remember a lifetime special about a girl who vomited blood - it haunts me.

hannahrae said...

I love the Snowman!

"Walking in the Air" is the song...I love it. love it. love it!

Miss you!

Sarah said...

haha..I find it quite amusing that Hannah is the only who knows this-and knows the song.
Deafbunny on the other hand...creepy!...from your explanation last night there's no way in hell I'd ever let my child watch that.
thanks again for letting me use our friendship:)