Friday, February 20, 2009

two things:

I have a few countdowns:
48 days until Reno. Delicious.
68 days until Seattle. Awesome. More on this in a second.
142 days until Coldplay. Oh, i just peed my pants a little in excitement. (Kinda like that time we were at Judah's birthday party and i piddled because i jumped too high on the trampoline.)

In Seattle news, my mom e-mailed me to ask me about "hosting" her garage sale the Saturday that i'm there. Guess Saturday won't be the day that i go and get my 2.5 hour deep tissue Swedish massage followed by my 1 hour steam to get all my toxins up and out. Oh well. That'll have to wait for another day.

My mom is FAMOUS for bribing us kids... i mean, when i was little, she paid me 20 dollars to go to youth group. In a way, my mom used money to entice me to become a Christian. (Ok, that is stretching it a LOT...just kidding...but she did pay me to go to youth group for a month.)

So, for this garage sale, she told me that she would let me take all the profits if i sit there for 5 hours. Nothing like using my vacation to try to earn some extra cash to pay for my vacation that i'm already paying for in cash. Dave Ramsey would be so proud.

Danielle, this is for you: I almost wrote a blog the other day about how having a disabled parking placard would make my life easier. But, then i thought about you, and your blogging comments as of late, the potential comments i would receive, and i thought, "better leave that rant inside my head instead of putting it down on paper." I don't want blog-hatas. I just want the world to love each other. Preferably, if the world could love each other at the Coldplay concert, that would be even better.

I'm going to die. I'm buying tickets next week. random Mormon news: WHAT DO THEY FEED THOSE BOYS TO MAKE THEM SO HOT?!?! Ladies and Gentlemen, in this day of TV history, we have two FINE mormon gents on TV: Chet on the Real World (who makes me DIE with his fashion on his sayings...i'll remember what one of them is and post it later) and Tyson on Survivor (who i would maul if i saw him in real life...his sense of humor is unreal). Wow...I'm just marveling at God's creation.


Juliette said...

Maybe you need to move to Utah and work on converting a hot morman :)

Sarah said...

shelby..thanks for your sympathy on my blog...yes..bachelor/laundry debrief would be amazing!..
ps. I love garage sales...and taking all the cash from it...amazing!

Meghan said...

i totally have that problem with the trampoline! i haven't been on one for 8 years due to the fact that i can't hold my bladder on it. love ya! see you tomorrow bright and early!