Friday, February 6, 2009

thank you government...

for accepting my tax return on Monday of this week, and giving me money on Friday. You are quite prompt, and I appreciate it.

Actually, my fully funded 1000 emergency fund appreciates it.

And, my FICO score appreciates it because i've closed another two credit cards.

So, federal government, I appreciate you. You've done well by me today, and for that, you deserve a day off.


Juliette said...

I don't share your sentiment. We owe money this year. So, I'd like to say to the IRS "Suck it."

Me Minami said...

Oh Shelby, so silly. Can you do my taxes too? You are so freekin' on the ball. Taxes? What are those?

Sarah said...

ahh you inspired me..did them this weekend...and let's just say thank you student loan interest for helping me get more of my money back...