Monday, May 4, 2009

here's my shout outs:

  1. walks home in the rain from survivor night, smelling the asphalt because it had just rained.
  2. bagels and amazing race yesterday: i loved seeing my friends. derrick and danielle and crazy kids...nothing made me laugh more than dressing judah and zoe up in my scurve (judah-speak for "scarf" waaaay back in the day) and having them run around manhattan like crazy kids with turbans and darth maul masks on. oh man, i love you guys.
  3. the rain yesterday. torrential downpours. nothing like a freak-act of nature to remind me that 1. i'm ready for summer and 2. i really do love winter and the rain, even though sometimes i complain about it. the best part about it...opening your door and watching everything, all the old crap, just wash away.
  4. my roommmmmmmate. I'm sorry i give you temptations that you can't resist (peanut m&m's). the reality of it is, you have to be stronger. if you can't take my bringing peanut m&m's in the house...what are you going to do when i graduate to almond m&m's...or what is worse...almond kisses! omg...stormy seas ahead.
  5. abbreviations. someday, i'll just write 1 letter sentences and people will have to know that "t" means "thanks for keeping me in the loop on that." for now, i'll settle w/ omg and btw and ptl and all the other ones that i keep locked up in my crazy head.
  6. cute bff necklaces. which one to choose? which one to choose???? just kidding...i lvoe them both. There is room in my heart, and around my neck for two necklaces.
  7. golfing. Toot, Nathan told me that you want to go golfing!!! When?!?! I do golfing totally, aqua golf, maybe...Any sort of golf, definately. :) Let's suck at golf together!!!
  8. The idea that in 8 hours, i get to go home, clean up the house and just relax...that, dear ones, is what is keeping me going.
  9. my outfit today. i'm usually not a very vain person, but my outfit today is a total throwback to my wardrobe 1.5 years ago, and while i wear versions of this outfit every other week, i'm just so happy with the outcome this morning. it just works. if you are lucky, you'll see me around and be amazed at it.
  10. being back on the fpu wagon. not going to seattle was a good least financially. (and in many other ways, but better to save that discussion for my big day) i have no extra money right now, but i rest in the assurance that everything is paid, things are getting paid off, and that i really do want for nothing. God is good in that i haven't had a late fee for ANYTHING for the past 8 months or so. and to come from a place of everything being late, to God providing for my needs in such a tangible just makes me grateful. and, God-willing, i'll have the determination to get all debt taken care of in a year or so. and then...who wants to buy a house with me??? oh, ok, i know, that's crazy. but, i'm thankful. and really, i don't know that my first big purchase would be a house. it'd probably be a tv that's as big as my living-room i've heard Jared Belden has...and then we can give Tyler's back to him. Oh well...

Here's my non-shout out:

  1. to my uterus. stop. just stop.


Bek said...

dear shelby, i believe your uterus will stop now that you have shouted at it.
i am sorry that i cannot take the pn m&m cravings i now you put crack in them so i cannot help it.
i need to either buy you so many more including my own stash, or get a hold of myself.

uhm, my bff neckless is so much better...

uhm, im glad you love the rain, cause im darn sick of it.. i get more and more depressed each day, but hey thats why you were born in seatle and me in CALIFORN I A .

i love being roomates.. holler!

Juliette said...

Yes. Shelby. Golf. Me. You. June 20. $45. Budget. FPU. OK? L

Juliette said...

Oh and just in case you didn't get my "abbreviation" "L" means love ya and I'll talk to you later. Gosh - why couldn't you just get that without me having to tell you?