Thursday, March 5, 2009

sometimes, i play out scenarios in my mind of what would happen if i went ape on people...

certain people...not just a random ped on the street. (that would be jacked up if i just went bananas over some person walking down the street.)

yes, certain people who have the insane ability to rile me right up. I don't like being rileable. Its not one of my proudest characteristics.

But, this morning, i got all sorts of riled up re: someone.

What did i do?
had a 10 minute cry. (I hate crying at work... it takes me back to the days before i worked at my current job...days of stress, frustration, incredibly unrealistic expectations and feeling like no one really gave a shit about me.)
mistakenly hit a "reply to all" button on an e-mail, and sent an e-mail to some of the people i manage that i shouldn't have...and that makes me feel like a prize retard because now i look weak and technologically-inept.
talked to my favorite client, talked to one of my favorite friends (two seperate people...), laughed a TON at them and with them
wrote down the number for the Spa Downtown and at 10am (promptly) made a call to schedule a 90 minute massage...which commences in 1 hour and 45 minutes.

and 20 minutes ago, called to apologize to the person who riled me up regarding my reactions that occured this morning.

All things considering, i think that's progress.

1 comment:

Me Minami said...

Oh, yes. At one point, I actually acted out an entire scene in front of the bathroom mirror of what I would say to this one person that had really rattled my shack...

And then I brushed my teeth and went to bed. Hmm.