Thursday, November 13, 2008

this is my best friend right now

sick and nasty, i know...but so needed. last night i downed half a bottle of theraflu "warming sensation" that seriously warmed my throat just as much as a good shot of scotch would (which i've never had...just my suspicion is that it would). I was out cold and so grateful for the temporary relief of the hacking and coughing.

At one point in these past few weeks, nearly every one of my friends has been sick. Being that it has infested my lungs much more than anyone around me, I kicked it over to Target and bought the above mucus relief and the theraflu yesterday. Because Niki is still struggling with this thing, I sent a pix message to her with the caption "drug party at my house later? :)" and then proceeded to send it to the wrong phone number. The owner of said phone texted back telling me he was interested, and then proceeded to call me and leave a message asking where the party was. Really? Do you really want to go to a drug party where the drugs are mucus relief and theraflu? I'm not interested in drugs at all, but that loser was over-the-top.
Needless to say, the "party" last night consisted of me drinking 4 tablespoons, watching half an episode of Dexter and falling asleep at 9pm.
Oh, it was gorg.


Juliette said...

Oh funny! Next time watch who you're texting to - you might have a stalker now!

Sarah said...

1)Mucus..that word is on the list..NEVER use it around me..sick!
2)you do know I am ALWAYS down for a drug party..whatever the cause:)
3) hope you feel better friend!