Wednesday, November 19, 2008

i'm taking my super-short lunch break to throw a shout-out to all the people who work in customer service and call people "honey" or "sweetie"


for the love.

nothing makes me more annoyed than 23 year old girls who work at starbucks and as i roll through say "hey hon!" and then "have a great day darlin'!" as i drive away.

I'm sorry, did i miss something? I definitely didn't order a side of condescension when i yelled my order into the electronic box. I purposely forgot to tell you that all i wanted was courteous, quick service and the "sweetheart" to be left off of any dangling sentence. I thought it was just something I got just for coming to Starbucks. Good service, good coffee, no pet names. makes me so annoyed. and it goes for acquaintances too. if you and i have met multiple times and you are still calling me "sweetie" "dumplin" or "princess" we know each other well? Nope, probably not, because if we did, you'd know my stance on the issue. So cut it out.

I know it a battle that will only ever be lost. I can't change the Free World to stop the pet names. I know its unrealistic and unproductive to complain about it.

Maybe though (just maybe) I can get Starbucks to put it in their employee manual that those words are outlawed.

That will be a victory.


Juliette said...

Awww, Shelb, they're just trying to be nice :) So, I think you just need to chill about it Sweetie!

Sarah said... make me're bitter rage is glorious..

so the chapter my lifegroup did tonight semi-pertained to our convo the other night...I think we must discuss...I need to process!(with someone who gets it)!:)

nest flipper said...

does this mean i should stop calling people "love"? I could call out derogatives if you prefer. hee! a shopkeeper who calls you bad names...what a concept!

Meghan said...

i'm right there with ya. I guess it might be better than them calling you "ma'am". that implies that they think you are MUCH older than them.

hope to see you tomorrow morning. you always make us laugh, which is hard to do that early. love ya hun! haha.