Thursday, November 6, 2008

i was at small group the other day...

and brought up the fact that during the winter, when a girl (meaning me) lets her hair down and her (leg) hair grow, she tends to find out that she only grows leg hair in patches.

what is with that?

If you were to look at my leg right now (the act of which may elicit two different responses from me depending on who you are..the first "HEY! WHO ARE YOU AND WHY DO YOU WANT TO SEE MY LEGS?" to those who i don't know and the second "sure, absolutely, look at my legs" to those who i know at least your first and last name.) anyway, i digress, if, lucky you in the second group, came and looked at my legs, you would see little spikies in patches along my shins. In further examination, these patches continue all along my legs.

what is with that?

is it because i've been shaving for lord knows how long, and by now i've conditioned most of those hairs to leave and never come back?

or, is it just that i have a freaky body chemistry and i am quite selective on where hair will grow.

lord only knows.

my primary question remains that will i pay less for electrolosis because i have less hair to remove than the normal girl?

which brings me to the first time i shaved my legs in an attempt to get rid of that unwanted hair on my gams. In my dads apartment, with his old bic razor. i did a combo wet/dry shave (don't blame me...i didn't know any better) At my first go-around, i positioned my shin in what i could only imagine was proper shaving position. Took my razor, put it by the top of my foot, and so quickly moved that blade up my shin that i watched the resulting trail of blood surface on my legs. That first go-around was followed by finding all the band-aids that i could in my dad's place, carefully positioning them so that they weren't afixed to any other scabs and walking not-so-confidently out of the bathroom as a not-so-freshly groomed woman.


what would life be like if we never learned from our mistakes?

well, for one, my legs would be perma-scarred.

1 comment:

Ryan & Carly said...

Maybe the large scar from that first shaving experience explains the strange patches! Because I don't have that problem, no patches, just hair, lots and lots of hair!